The Association was established on 2 May 2003 with the purpose to improve the quality of life of persons with disabilities. From the very beginning, we have been oriented towards changing the awareness of citizens without disabilities about the needs of those with disabilities. Our activities have «forced» local government to comply with applicable laws so that the environment is tailored to the needs of each and every person, meaning that about 70% of all urban and architectural barriers in the Town of Koprivnica have been removed which is extremely important for the fulfilment of other needs of disabled persons.


The Association is a partner to the local government in many programmes they have created and implemented. The Association has its representative in the Local Agenda 21 – a document about sustainability in the local community. The Association’s representative is also engaged in many vital activities of the local community: she participated in preparing the ROP (Regional Operational Plan) of the Koprivnica-Križevci County; is a member of the Working Body of the Mayor of the Town of Koprivnica; the Coordination Committee of the «Healthy Town Koprivnica Project» that implements programmes concerning health preservation of citizens; the Town Council of Koprivnica; president of the Committee for Equal Opportunities and Social Integration; member of the Committee of Family and Youth and member of the Committee for Petitions and Complaints from Citizens of the Town Council of Koprivnica.


The Association has participated in the development of documents ofthe Town of Koprivnicathe Strategy of Uniform Policy for People with Disabilitiessince 2003  2006 to 2011-13 which has integratedmeasures to equal particular rights of children of homeland war veterans and children of parents withdisabilities (civil).


The activities of the Association have influenced decision-making and other local regulations for the benefit of persons with disabilities;incentives for self-employmentexemption from municipalcontributions in certain percentages; free parking in areasdesignated for parking of persons with disabilities in the Town ofKoprivnica. Many so called civil initiatives launched by theAssociation have provided funds for buying aids lacking in public institutionsOne example is the purchase of a tailor-made chair for children with disabilities in the children’s department of the libraryFran Galović” in Koprivnica. Another example is a fashion show held at the Health Centre of the Koprivnica-Križevci County at which themodels were women in wheelchairs and the raised funds were used for adapting a gynaecologic surgery for women with disabilities(purchase of a customized gynaecological table for women in wheelchairs).


The Association is a member of the Croatian Union of Physically Disabled Persons, the Croatian Association of Cerebral and ChildParalysis and the Croatian Union of Associations of Muscular Dystrophy.


The Association carries out all its activities, programmes and projects in accordance with its Statute, the Plan and Programme of Work and the FinancialPlan of Revenues and Expenditures for the current year in cooperation with professional associates to ensure the best quality for both direct beneficiaries – people with disabilities and indirect beneficiaries – family members of people with disabilitiesand the local community.







Marija Mraz, president

Ivana Horvat , secretary

Helena Kušenić  vice-president

Mateja Makar Kiš – member

Mateo Keleminec– member



Kruno Kukec – president

Vlasta Rački – member

Danijela Horvat – member



Ivan Vuk – president

Mladen Mršić – member